Modern education temple for kids of Rae parish 

September 1st 360 pupils start their new educational year in a new Kindluse School, opened for the first time a year ago in Rae parish, Estonia.
“Kindluse” means “castle” in Estonian, is though more like a modern education temple for kids to go in secondary and primary school. This modern school building is designed by Sweco and built by Estonian construction company Nordecon AS in 2020 that kids could not enjoy enough in the pandemic year.

AS Rake covered façade of the building with architectural mesh Escale 7×1, in total volume 805 m². Stainless steel Escale mesh does not only serve as decoration, but also offers solar protection for classrooms behind it.

Together with our German partner GKD-Gebr. Kufferath AG we wish happy and healthy school year for all kids in Kindluse School.