Raketerm system on residential building in Bethnal Green London UK

A truly comfy apartment house has been built on historic Squirries street in Bethnal Green London. Wooden frame residential building is covered with Raketerm façades system. A beautiful combination of natural brickwork on main façades and two slightly different colors of natural brick slips on Raketerm system.

Used brick slip: Sintra R 691 and 692

Main contractor: W&M Property Services Ltd.

  • 500 m² of façade
  • Brick slips in size 215x65x14 mm

„RAKETERM IS a simple system and easy to use for quick and clean onsite installation. It would have been very costly and time consuming to receive and unload many lorries bringing just bricks on the site.“

Mr. Adrian Mannion
Director & owner of W&M Property Services Ltd.