Raketerm system on historical building at Vabaduse St. 13 in Valga, Estonia

The historical building at Vabaduse street 13 in Valga, was renovated and adjoined to an adjacent building, thereby adding 1,000 square meters of space in order to meet the students’ needs. Raketerm played a crucial role in the overall success of the project, attaching protective and visually enhancing external cladding facade. Of the six variants we offer, the architects opted for the Feldhaus-Klinker stone slab Sintra R658.

Main contractor: construction company Rennes OÜ
Designed by: Lauder Architects

  • built in 2020
  • 280 m² of façade
  • used brick slip Sintra R658 from Feldhaus-Klinker

„We really like the façade and the result. We very much hope that we will have another project in Estonia, for the implementation of which we will be able to use the façade solutions you offer.“

Zane Bernāne 
Project Coordinator
Lauder Architects